Hello and welcome!  My mission is to support clients in the pursuit of optimum somatic healing.  I have always been able with words of the spirit and communication.  I would call the work I do, in connection with a client, “transcribing”.  We all have intrinsic abilities and defining it helps to refine it.  What is your clair?  I am “claircognizent” and “clairsentient” meaning that I am driven by an awareness and connection through feeling.  

When we learn how to listen to our bodies by paying attention to the way we FEEL we can then tap into the guidance system that is available to us.  Somatic Healing is the study of the mind- body connection and the relationship between thoughts, emotions, beliefs and physical sensations of the body.  This connection recognizes that mental and emotional states can affect physical health and vice versa.

The work is to empower others to pay attention to their gifted “Clair”.  By identifying what your “Clair” is and then exploring how to be aware of its guidance through practice.  Healing on a soul level promotes healing in the body.  I call this kind of healing “Epiphany driven healing”.

What’s the work?  Connecting by getting your body into a parasympathetic state via (massage or breath work), we create space.  With Emotion Code we remove any stored emotional baggage from the body healing old wounds and aiding the body into balance.  If you’d like to work toward refocusing your core beliefs we can resume with creating a personal practice.

We work towards creating new neural pathways that will provide new and empowering programs within the deep layers of our being.  Once the subconscious mind is on board it will do everything to execute it in reality.

In a state of ALLOWING, the focus is to develop a practice that becomes a regular activity until it comes without a lot of thought or effort, much like the urge to drink water.

Education and Background:   I was first introduced to Children’s spirituality by psychology professor, Dr. Tobin Heart.  He was in the process of writing a book exploring and researching children’s experiences with spiritual connection.  This was something that I was not only interested in, it also made perfect sense to me.  I was hooked and joined the phenomenology department at the State University of West Georgia.  After graduation I moved to North Carolina where my family owned and operated, The Stillpoint Center.  It is there where I began learning about the business behind the type of work I was was drawn to.

As I continued my studies further I was drawn to take a closer look at energy transfer.

Starting with massage, I was accepted into the Academy of Somatic Healing Arts, ASHA, in 2007.  I enrolled in the extended program with extra hours in anatomy, neuromuscular therapy, and clinical assessment.  Massage school was a wonderful experience.  The knowledge I gained about muscles, the skeletal system, lymphatic drainage, myofacial massage, the parasympathetic state, nutrition and physical maintenance was priceless.  I knew I was on the right track.

Through 16 years of focused massage experience,  I expanded my studies with education in cranio- sacral therapy, cupping, nutrition, EFT tapping therapy, kinesiology/ muscle testing and meditation.  I became an attuned Reiki master in 2017.

I was driven to explore emotional trauma, frequency medicine and removing energy from the body.  This is where the work really began to take shape.  The experience has created such expansion.

I became an Emotion Code Practitioner which quite literally changed my life.

Losing a dear friend unexpectedly, my expansion work kicked into high gear.  I was surrounded by loss.  I was able to tap in, metabolize the grief and connect in a way that simply felt more guided.
Summer of 2020 lead me to supporting those struggling with mental health.  I began offering zoom Emotion Code sessions mostly working with young adults and teens looking for connection and support.  I was amazed how they were able to enhance their internal guidance system with trauma release and through tools like muscle testing and journaling.

I’ve been working with clients for 17 years.  Through this experience I’ve gained knowledge and insight I’m so thankful I get to share with those interested in this kind of healing and connection.

(If interested in learning more about kinesiology and Emotion Code Therapy, check out the deeper explanation under “services”)

To book a session email alexisshanksmassage@gmail.com